The article We analyze the development of biodiversity offsetting governance through a research-weaving approach. Here, we combine information from a systematized review of the literature and a qualitative analysis of the institutional developments in different world...
Deputy Mayor – Malmo, Sweden Malmo is taking the lead on working with climate action. The city has worked with sustainability and climate issues for decades. · Collaboration is key. Malmö is working with Copenhagen and region to share and learn. · The most...
The article Maritime transport faces increasing pressure to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to be in accordance with the Paris Agreement. For this to happen, low- and zero-carbon energy solutions need to be developed. In this paper we draw on sustainability...
· Fort Collins is a city on the forefront on climate action since 1990s. The city has worked across a diversity of activities.· Retrofitting homes for resilience and energy efficiency through the “Epic Homes Program” is a leading activity by the...
The article The effects of diversity in management teams on firm innovation have become an important topic in strategic management. With a few exceptions, however, the literature has focused on diversity in top management teams (TMTs), while the role of diversity in...
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